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18 May 2024 

These events are an opportunity for City residents having a clear-out to make sure unwanted items are reused, recycled or disposed of responsibly whilst supporting the local community. 

Give | 10am-12pm

Please bring unwanted or unused items. We accept the following items:

  • clothes and shoes
  • toys
  • kitchenware
  • bric-a-brac
  • DVDs
  • electrical items 

Take | 1-3pm

The 'Take' part of the event is between 1-3pm. The first hour is only open for City residents who must provide proof of residency. 

2-3pm is open to the public. 

Tech Takeback | 10am-3pm

Tech Takeback will be offering their services to conduct data erasure on your device before reusing, recycling or salvaging parts from your donated tech – keeping tech in circulation for longer and reducing the rate of mining for new components.

Tech Takeback will be accepting phones, tablets, laptops and PC’s. If you would like to securely donate your tech, join us on 18 May at Golden Lane Community Centre.

Tech donations will be accepted throughout the event.