Barbican Estate service charges
As a long leaseholder on the Barbican Estate you are legally required to pay a service charge in respect of your property.
The service charge covers the following services:
- Background heating
- Cleaners
- Electricity to common parts and lifts
- Estate and lobby concierge
- Furniture and fittings
- General repairs
- Garchey maintenance
- Heating
- Lift maintenance
- Resident staff
- Supervision and management
- Technical services
- Window cleaning
From time to time, you will also be required to pay for major works such as re-decorations to the exterior or interior common parts of your block.
We will write to you at the end of May each year to give you information about the estimated service charge for your property for the forthcoming year.
This estimate will be invoiced in four equal instalments due on:
- 24 June
- 29 September
- 25 December
- 25 March
Actual expenditure is finalised after the end of the financial year and may vary from the estimate. The balancing adjustment, which could be a debit or a credit, will be applied to your account and will show on the invoice which becomes due on 29 September. We will write to you in early September each year to inform you about the actual charge and the relevant balancing adjustment.
It should be noted that the City of London Corporation does not apportion service charges upon the resale of flats. You should therefore ensure that the solicitor acting for you in the purchase or sale of any property is made aware of this fact and takes adequate measures to protect your financial interests.
Payment of service charges can be made quarterly by direct debit, online and all payments may also be made over the counter (rents/service charges/temporary car parking etc.). Please quote both account number and invoice number.
For more information contact the Revenues Team on 020 7029 3910 or email the Barbican Estate Office.
Pay for your service charges
Direct Debit
This is the easiest way to pay. Call the Revenues Team on 020 7029 3910 to set up. Once your account is up and running, you will never have to worry about paying on time again.
Pay online using your debit or credit card.
By Direct Funds Transfer
Quote your customer and invoice number and use the following bank details.
- Through BACS Sort Code 30 00 00 Account number 00312592
- Through CHAPS Sort Code 30 00 02 Account number 00196091
By Bank Giro Credit
Payment can be made over the counter in a bank using the tear off counterfoil on your invoice.
By Post
Cheques should be made payable to "City of London" and should be sent with the payment counterfoil to the Chamberlain of London, PO Box 270 Guildhall, London EC2P 2EJ. Please do not send cash.
If you are experiencing financial hardship contact the Barbican Estate Office to discuss the most appropriate way of clearing the arrears.