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Date updated: 29/04/2024

Little Trinity Lane re-landscaping project forms part of the City of London's Cool Streets and Greening Programme. The project aims to enhance the public space through increased greening, including sustainable drainage and improved seating in order to create a more welcoming and comfortable environment for workers, residents and visitors to dwell.

The overall design approach celebrates the rich architecture and history of the area and takes cues from the most striking components of the space, including St James Garlickhythe church façade.

The planting will be developed so it is climate resilient, low maintenance and supports biodiversity. Trees on the site have been removed in the past due to poor health and the proposed scheme aims to provide improved growing conditions for the replacement trees. It is proposed as part of this project to undertake excavations (subject to consultation) in order to create better ground conditions for new trees to establish themselves and thrive in the long term. They would provide more shade, absorb rainwater run-off, and mitigate pollution from Upper Thames Street.

A second phase of the project will look at accessibility improvements in the vicinity, including a new raised table crossing at the junction of Garlick Hill, Little Trinity Lane and Skinners Lane, additional dropped kerbs and a carriageway raingarden (subject to costs).

It is anticipated that the works will commence on-site in September 2024 with the aim to complete by January 2025.


If you have any questions regarding the Little Trinity Lane Re-landscaping project, please email the Policy & Projects team.