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Date updated: 21/03/2024


"Across our residents, workers, businesses, and visitors, everyone should feel that they belong. Connecting people of all ages and backgrounds will help build diverse, engaged communities that are involved in co-creating great services and outcomes."

Context and impact

People feel safe

City of London Police is committed to working with communities on all aspects of neighbourhood policing and ensuring people feel safe in the Square Mile through initiatives such as Street Safe and Ask for Angela.

Democratic process

We actively promote participation in our democratic process, encouraging people to stand for election, to vote in our city-wide elections, and to put questions to their elected representatives.

New SME strategy

We continue to engage SMEs, including through a survey, to inform a new SME strategy.

Statutory public consultation

We always undertake statutory public consultation on planning applications within the City.

£1 million

Our Community Infrastructure Levy Neighbourhood Fund distributes over £1m in grants annually across the City.

Better connected

We help communities and networks become better connected through The City Belonging Project.

Free, inclusive cityscapes

Our planning system is helping to create free, inclusive cityscapes.

Our actions

  1. Engage with all our communities across the City, working to increase participation in co-creating and delivering services.
  2. Listen to our communities’ views on crime and disorder. Working with partners, we will provide safeguarding and support to people who are vulnerable or find themselves in a vulnerable situation.
  3. Conduct effective resident panels and problem-solving neighbourhood policing.
  4. Increase the electorate registered to vote in City-wide elections pre and post 2025.
  5. Increase the number of candidates standing for election in the City-wide elections in 2025 and 2029.
  6. Emphasise inclusion as an important aspect of new development in our City Plan 2040.
  7. Reset City Corporation’s relationship with residents including through regular City Question Time sessions

Performance measures

  1. Increase number of voters at 2025 and 2029 elections.
  2. Increase number of candidates at 2025 and 2029 elections.
  3. Increase number of contested wards at 2025 and 2029 elections.
  4. Increase engagement with workers and resident communities.