Community Risk Registers
The City of London Corporation has a legal duty (see the Civil Contingencies Act 2004) to work with other agencies that respond to emergencies to assess the likelihood of emergencies occurring and the potential impact of a reasonable worst case scenario.
As a result of this risk assessment, the City Corporation has contributed to the production of a number of risk registers – starting from the Pan-London level and drilling down to the fine detail of the risks the City faces.
On a Pan-London level, the Community Risk Registers have been created to provide public information about identified hazards which could potentially have an impact on London as a whole.
This risk register has been produced and is collectively owned by the emergency responders that form part of the London Resilience Partnership.
Find out more about the London Community Risk Register on the Greater London Authority (GLA) website.
Each one of London’s six Sub-regional Resilience Forums has identified and assessed local risks that could cause an emergency in their area. This work has been collated by the London Fire Brigade Emergency Planning team into risk registers that reflect risks specific to each zone.
Find out more about the Central London Community Risk Register on the London Fire Brigade website.
This risk register identifies the highest risks to the Square Mile and has been completed by the City of London Police and the City Corporation working closely with other emergency responders.
To find out more email the Contingency Planning team.
Worth noting...
The hazards and threats described in these risk registers are worst case scenarios. These documents don’t set out to suggest that the Square Mile is a risky place to live and work, or predict that any of the hazards covered will definitely occur. Risks are identified so that the emergency services, and those who respond to incidents of this nature, can prepare plans for how to deal with these incidents.