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View the list of public consultations held by the City of London Corporation to which you can currently respond. Click on the links below to find out more information about each one.

Al Fresco Dining Policy Review

Date created: 19/08/2024

City of London Al Fresco Dining Policy Review page

We want to hear from you - West Ham Park Old Nursery Site

Date created: 12/03/2024

What's next for West Ham Park Old Nursery Site

Healthy Streets Traffic Orders

Date created: 9/01/2024

Minor Schemes 2023-2024

Transport strategy

Date created: 6/07/2020

How the City of London Corporation proposes to design and manage our streets to ensure the Square Mile remains a great place to live, work, study and visit.

Air Quality Strategy

Date created: 4/08/2020

Air Quality Strategy governing the City of London's actions towards dealing with air pollution over period 2019-2024