Housing Service Standards
We're proud of the fact that we keep our residents needs at the heart of what we do as a housing provider.
Service Standards are how we make sure we are constantly reviewing ourselves against the most important areas for our residents.
We are required to provide our residents information about the standard of service they can expect from us and how we are doing. We will use a set of Key Performance Indicators to measure our progress.
Below you can find a list of Service Standards which set out our commitment to residents in terms of the level of service they can expect from teams within Housing and Property Services.
Please contact the Resident Involvement team if you require any of these documents to be translated into another language.
You can provide feedback on any sections of the Standards using this online form. If you would like us to respond directly to you about any aspect of the Service Standards, please provide your name and email address at the end of the form.
Please do not use this form for any urgent issues/queries, but instead contact the relevant team directly.