Search the public register
Search the public register
The Licensing Act 2003 requires licensing authorities to keep a register of all applications that it receives and licences that it has issued.
To search for a current licences or applications, it is recommend to use the advance search to avoid lengthy results, please see image below.
In the advanced search, you can search in Application or Licences (see image below)
- To search for a current application pending a decision and within the consultation phase, please use application tab
- To search for a current licences which has been issued, please use licence tab
Please note that massage and special treatments licences, pavement licences and tables and chairs licence can be found using “Other” in the Category dropdown menu.
If you are searching for a TEN, please uses Licences and note there is a known functionality issue/error with TENS applications not displaying the correct end times in the summary tab which has been raised with our service provider. To request any TEN 'End Times' please contact