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Listed building consent

Date updated: 18/05/2022

An application for listed building consent may also need an application for planning permission and/or advertisement consent.

Information needed in addition to the completed planning application forms:

  1. Four copies of all drawings and other documents. These are in addition to drawings submitted for any linked planning application.
  2. Site location plan at 1:500 or 1:1250 scale showing the site and its surroundings. The site boundary must be clearly marked by bold black or red outline or hatching.
  3. Block plan if appropriate to show the location of the works within the building.
  4. Existing and proposed plans, elevations and sections annotated to show where changes are proposed. All drawings should be at a scale large enough to clearly show the proposed works (e.g. 1:1, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:50 or 1:100).
  5. A written ‘Schedule of Works’ listing all proposed demolition, alterations and repairs. The schedule should refer to the submitted plans and should include method statements where appropriate.
  6. Most proposals involving external works will need a Design and Access Statement.
  7. Most proposals involving internal works will need a Design Statement. Refer to the Planning Advice Note 6, Improving Access to Listed Buildings.
  8. Where significant historic fabric is proposed to be totally or substantially demolished, a statement of justification will be needed.
  9. Regard should be had to the following published guidance:
    a. Historic England's historic environment good practice advice.
    b. Historic England's Heritage Conservation Principles, Conservation and Guidance.
  10. Where any removal of building fabric is proposed, existing elevations, plans and sections should be hatched to indicate the fabric to be removed and referenced to a schedule of works.
  11. Additional information to support and justify the application, such as a covering letter and photographs

Please note that:

  • All drawings must be numbered.
  • All drawings must be dimensioned and drawn to an accurate metric scale.
  • Each drawing must be labelled to indicate what is shown.
  • When highlighting features and areas please use tone, varied line thickness or bold primary colours as drawings are normally only scanned in black and white.
  • Drawings must show the surrounding context and adjoining buildings and include orientation points such as street names and north points.
  • All drawings must be annotated to show the proposed changes, materials and finishes.
  • Additional information may be needed, depending on the character of the building and the nature of the proposal.
  • Exploratory opening up, to provide additional information about the building or the impact of the proposed works may be needed. Separate listed building consent may be needed for such works.
Design and Access Statement PDF (63KB)
Date submitted: 11/01/20