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Date updated: 26/09/2024

Information needed in addition to the completed planning application forms and application fee:

  1. Two copies of all drawings and other documents and an electronic version of all documents and plans. Read the Guidance Note on the electronic submission of planning drawings and supporting documents.
  2. Site plan at a scale of 1:500 or 1:1250 scale showing the site and its surroundings. The site boundary must be clearly marked by bold black or red outline or hatching.
  3. Block plan if appropriate to show the location of the works within the building.
  4. Existing and proposed ground plans, floor plans, roof plans, elevations and sections, as appropriate. These drawings should be at a scale large enough to clearly show the proposed works (eg 1:50 or 1:100).
  5. Where the application is for planning permission and relevant demolition of an unlisted building in a conservation area existing plans, elevations and sections labelled, hatched or colour coded should show the extent of demolition. All drawings should be at a scale of 1:10, 1:20, 1:50 or 1:100 or at a scale large enough to clearly show the proposed works.
  6. A Planning Statement may be needed to explain or justify the development.
  7. If an extension is proposed at roof level within a Designated View as set out in the London View Management Framework Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) or within the St Paul's Heights Policy Area, evidence will be needed demonstrating the impact of the proposal using the methods set out in the SPG. The methods to be used are Qualitative Visual Assessment and Geometric Definition.
  8. London View Management Framework - Where the site lies within a Designated View as set out in the London Plan Supplementary Planning Guidance, evidence will be needed demonstrating the impact of the proposal using the methods set out in the SPG. The methods to be used are Qualitative Visual Assessment and Geometric Definition.
  9. Tower of London World Heritage Site Assessment - A statement should be provided if the proposal could have an impact on the unique characteristics of the World Heritage Site. The Tower of London World Heritage Site Management Plan at Historic Royal Palaces provides relevant information.
  10. An Archaeological Assessment should be submitted where the proposals involve any ground works or excavation on sites of archaeological potential. Archaeological Evaluation may also be needed and specific advice will be given on this.
  11. Where the proposed development affects any open space, public highway or a footway, a ground floor plan, or other drawings as appropriate, should be submitted clearly showing the impact of the proposed works. Examples of such works include construction of cross overs, projections over or under the highway, development on the highway and works to trees.
  12. A covering letter and plans detailing any areas of public highway that may require to be stopped up.
  13. Most proposals will require a Design and Access Statement In the case of new buildings or major alterations this should include information on sustainability credentials and energy saving.
  14. A Flood Risk Assessment will be needed for all new development in Zones 2 and 3 as designated by the Environment Agency and for certain other development. This should assess the risks from all forms of flooding and how those risks will be managed. See Planning Policy Statement 25: Development and Flood Risk - Practice Guide
  15. Where existing open space is affected by development an assessment will be needed describing the significance of any loss or reduction and how this will be compensated for.
  16. Information to establish whether the development is liable for Mayoral and City Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Complete the Community Infrastructure Levy form from the Planning Portal.

Please note that:

  • All drawings must be numbered.
  • All drawings must be dimensioned, drawn to an accurate metric scale and include a scale bar.
  • Each drawing must be labelled to indicate what is shown.
  • Drawings must show the surrounding context and adjoining buildings and include orientation points such as street names and north points.
  • All drawings must be annotated to show the proposed changes, materials and finishes.
  • When highlighting features and areas please use tone, varied line thickness or bold primary colours as drawings are normally only scanned in black and white.
Submission of planning documents and supporting documents PDF (29KB)
Date submitted: 12/01/20
Design and Access Statement PDF (63KB)
Date submitted: 11/01/20