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Date updated: 26/07/2024
Girl holding a camera facing the screen, standing in a field

Youth Forest Photography Session

Come and join local photographer, Nick Bowman, for a youth photography workshop in Epping Forest. Meet at the Epping Forest Visitor Centre at Chingford to take a look at Nick's current exhibition, Longhorn cattle of Epping Forest, on display there. Then venture out into Epping Forest to try your hand at capturing the beauty of nature to be found in this unique ancient woodland. No previous skills or experience required. Participants should have a camera for this event, if you don't have a camera, a phone camera will suffice! This event is for all ages, but children must be accompanied by an adult. Unleash your creativity in this picturesque setting. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to hone your photography skills and create stunning images. See you there!

Youth Forest Photography booking link


29 August 2024 10:30am - 12:30pm, Epping Forest Visitors Centre at Chingford

Man woman and two children holding #welovevolunteering signs

Lend a Hand: Summer Holiday Youth Events

Youth Conservation Event

Volunteer with the Highams Park Snedders for a one-off youth conservation session (ages 14 - 17 years).  Learn more about the forest and how to protect and conserve the forest.  Places are limited so please book early via Eventbrite. 

Youth Conservation Booking Link


22 August 2024 9:30am - 12:30pm, Highams Park

Youth Litter Picks

There are two litter picking events for young people (ages 3-17 years) in the summer holidays.  Places are limited so please book early via Eventbrite.

Youth Litter pick, Chingford Plain booking link

Youth Litter pick, High Beach booking link


16 August 2024 11am - 12pm, Chingford Plain

28 August 2024 11am - 12pm, High Beach

Trees in the forest with wood pasture and sunlight shining through the branches

Habitat Restoration Programme
Woodbury Hollow – Staples Hill

We will be undertaking conservation work at Woodbury Hollow and Staples Hill from 19 August 2024 for approximately two weeks to:

Restore the ancient grassland of Woodbury Hollow by removing trees and holly that have encroached and taking out invasive cherry laurel from Staples Hill.

Regenerate the condition of habitats in these areas and encourage scarce species such as heather, devil's-bit scabious, wood anemone, and cow-wheat.

Reveal the heavily shaded veteran oak, beech, and hornbeam pollards to help them live longer and create some new pollards ready to become veterans of the future.

How you can help

Be aware that this work will necessitate the presence of vehicles and machinery and follow all posted signs and instructions during the work period to ensure everyone's safety.

Be prepared that this important habitat restoration work may initially look severe and be reassured that it will deliver long-term benefits.

Be gentle afterwards, avoid disturbing the bare ground to allow grassland species to regrow.

Thank you for your support in helping Epping Forest flourish.

If you would like to volunteer with our ongoing conservation work, you can find more information on our Volunteer at Epping Forest webpage.

Epping Forest staff photo holding Green Flag Award Flag in the Forest

Epping Forest once again successful in achieving the prestigious Green Flag and Green Heritage Site Awards

We are delighted to announce that Epping Forest has once again received the annual Green Flag and Green Heritage Site Award, for the 22nd year running.

These prestigious awards are presented to sites who offer their visitors a very high standard of experience and who take great care of their green spaces and heritage sites. This level of recognition is testament to the fantastic and tireless efforts of our dedicated and passionate Epping Forest staff and the support of our incredible volunteers.

Open Air Theatre - Illyria and the East London Shakespeare Festival

We are delighted to present our Summer season of open air theatre again at The Temple in Wanstead Park again this year. Be sure to book early to avoid disappointment as our theatre events are extremely popular!

Three posters for the Illyria season of open air theatre

Please bring your own seating/rug, suitable clothing and a picnic. Only assistance dogs are permitted. Venue is wheelchair accessible.

Scene promoting East London Shakespeare Festival presents Much Ado About Nothing

Job vacancies at Epping Forest

Following a restructure and increased investment in Epping Forest we are now in a position to expand our team. 

If you would like to view details of any positions currently being advertised please visit our recruitment page.


Protecting the skylarks on Wanstead Flats

You may have seen the temporary fencing return to Wanstead Flats in Epping Forest to help us to protect the habitat for ground-nesting birds, particularly skylarks. This year we are using sustainable rope fencing, which will be in place throughout the nesting season. We hope you’ll agree that it is very important for us to conserve this special habitat, the last of its kind so close to central London. The fencing was successful last season, resulting in at least four young larks fledging. There were 11 Skylarks there at the end of last season and we have seen seven individuals so far this year.

Thank you for your understanding and keeping clear of this designated site whilst we allow the skylarks to thrive undisturbed during their important nesting season. Our thanks to the Wren Group for their fantastic work helping us conserve the ground-nesting birds on Wanstead Flats!

Things affecting your visit


  • Rural wood chip collection – Bury Road chip site
  • Tree safety works Forest Wide
  • Groundworks - Great Gregories
  • Warren Wood Slope, new water connection for cattle trough
  • Various grass cutting Forest Wide and works at Copped Hall
  • Railway Field closed to public access.

NB: Contract work is dependent on weather and ground conditions.

Volunteer Tasks

Epping Forest Conservation Volunteers

Sunday 4 August - Felling small trees and holly at Lower Forest

Highams Park Snedders

Tuesday 30 July from 9:30am


Chairman of the Epping Forest and Commons Committee

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Cattle grazing locations

Our longhorn cattle are now grazing in the Forest. You can find them at:

  • Copped Hall Ha-Ha
  • Warlies West Park
  • Bury Wood
  • Copped Hall Deer Park East
  • Giffords Bottom
  • Birch Hall
  • Woodredon Narrow Hayfield
  • Honey Lane
  • Yardley Yates
  • Deer Sanctuary
  • Great Gregories training field

Guidance is being issued to the public after DEFRA confirmed cases of avian flu in Epping Forest.

Visitors to the site, which is managed as a registered charity by the City Corporation, are being asked to follow Government guidance:

  • Keep to footpaths
  • Keep dogs on leads
  • Do not feed wild waterfowl
  • Do not pick up or touch dead or sick wild birds
  • Do not touch wild bird feathers or surfaces contaminated with wild bird droppings
  • If you keep poultry or other birds, wash your hands, and clean and disinfect your footwear before tending to your birds
  • Report dead wild waterfowl (swans, geese, or ducks) or other dead wild birds, such as gulls or birds of prey to the Epping Forest team on 020 8532 1010. They will arrange safe collection

Chairman of the City of London Corporation’s Epping Forest and Commons Committee, Ben Murphy, said:

“The UK Health Security Agency has said that avian influenza is primarily a disease of birds and the risk to the general public’s health is very low.

“Therefore the UK is facing its largest ever outbreak of bird flu and it is absolutely vital that we work together to help stop the spread.”

Epping Forest is London and Essex’s largest green space and is known as “the green lungs of London”.

The Forest is of national and international conservation importance, containing two registered historic parks, seven listed buildings, and three scheduled ancient monuments.

More than two thirds of Epping Forest is designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest and a Special Area of Conservation. 

Visit GOV.UK for more information on avian flu.

Wanstead Park’s 300-year old cascade lake system, which was originally constructed circa 1715, has had a long history of low water levels.

The City of London Corporation purchased what remained of Wanstead Park in 1880 to prevent further loss of the parkland landscape to development. At its greatest extent (circa 1800) there were nine lakes in the lake cascade system. Of these The Great Lake, The Reservoir, The Lake Pond, and the Square Pond have all ceased to exist. There have been significant changes to the size of Heronry Pond and the interaction of the Ornamental Water and the River Roding. At one time the River Roding was linked to the Ornamental Waters and flowed through the lake.

Today five lakes remain. They run in a semi-circle in an anticlockwise direction. The Basin, which is the head of the cascade in the ownership of Wanstead Golf Club, the next four lakes running down the cascade are Shoulder of Mutton, Heronry, Perch Pond and the Ornamental Waters
(which is in the flood plain of the River Roding) are all under the City of London Corporation ownership.

The areas surrounding the Park have changed massively over the centuries. The park catchment for water run off to feed the lake cascade system at one time extended as far Eagle Pond. This water ran through the ‘River Holt’, a ditch created by Adam Holt the gardener to the Earl Tylney.

To the east and south of the park, the Lake House Estate and Albersbrook Estate where also once part of the originally parkland. These developments reduced the catchment area further.

Works were undertaken in the early 1906/07s to reline the Heronry Pond and is much the same as we see it today. In the second world war the northern edge of the Heronry Pond was hit by several high explosive bombs. Then, in 1944, a V1 flying bomb landed right in the middle, creating a large crater. Repairs were carried out but were not successful in stemming leakage. Further attempts at repair were made in the 1950s but unfortunately we still have issues with leaks.

Originally, the Lord of the Manor was able to dam the River Roding to direct water into the Ornamental Water. Later, the City of London Corporation, while not able to dam the river, was able to pump from the Roding. This practice happened until 2000. In 2001 a borehole was sunk to pump water from the aquifer into Heronry and Perch Ponds – which continues to this day.

We have a license from the Environment Agency that limits the amount of water we can extract – so that the aquifer can recharge with water. We currently pump to the maximum capacity of the pump which is 16 hours a day into the Heronry and Perch Ponds which in turn overflow in to the Ornamental Water, providing its only means of being topped up.

Detailed hydrological assessments undertaken by specialist engineers have shown that there is insufficient natural water to keep the lakes filled. Water losses from leakage and evaporation outstrip the amount of water entering the lakes and if water was not pumped into the lakes they would ultimately be much reduced in size, if not lost.

Interventions to increase water levels

The City of London have taken a number of steps to address the low water including commissioning a detailed Parkland Plan and Hydrological Survey. In 2019, a 330m ditch starting near Blake Hall Road was cleared to enable water to move more freely helping it reach the lake system rather than be absorbed into the land.

We are currently working on these areas to increase water into the lakes including:

  • Designs and specifications are currently being drawn up to install land drainage to capture water to feed into the Ornamental Water.
  • Designs to replace the pumping infrastructure at the River Roding are being worked up with a view to reinstating winter pumping from the Roding. This would be subject to a license agreement being granted by the Environment Agency.
  • We have been awarded a development grant from the Mayor of London’s Green Resilient Spaces fund for a feasibility study looking at possible Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme (SuDs) ad part of developing wetland habitats at the park and to try to get more water into the lake system.

In 2018, the Environment Agency confirmed the water bodies as “High Risk”. To ensure that the dams operate safely during major flood events, consulting engineers were commissioned and, following a 1-year study in 2020 recommended approximately £1M of improvements to the lake dams including:

  • Regrade some of the earth dams to ensure they are at a consistent level – in the event of water flowing over them to ensure water overtop the entire length of the dam, minimising earth erosion due to strong flows.
  • Installing concrete edging beams on some of the earth dams.
  • Regrading of the downstream face of the Heronry dam.
  • Maintaining a short grass surface to the dams to minimise earth erosion in the event of overtopping.

A further study was recommended to assess the flood interaction of the River Roding and Ornamental Waters. This study was completed in November 2021. It recommends minor works to build up levels either side of the two earth dam embankments on Ornamental Water. It also states that if there is a prolonged period of draught longer than 18 months that this could cause issues with the two earth dams – due to drying out. Funding for this essential safety work has been secured and works will be implemented over the next 2-3 years

How we manage water levels

The water levels in the lakes are maintained through pumping water from a borehole. The pump is operating at maximum capacity and works for two periods of eight hours with an eight hour aquifer recharge period.

Borehole water can be pumped directly into the heronry pond where this can be seen exiting a pipe near to the tea hut. Borehole water is also pumped into the Perch pond where it enters the pond below the surface so cannot be seen.

Once the Perch pond is full then the water overflows and goes into the Ornamental Water via a small stream through the Dell.

In the winter months we seek to get as much water as we can into the Ornamental Waters, however, in the summer months to keep water levels in the Heronry pond sufficiently high we need to pump more frequently into the Heronry pond. This means that water levels in the Ornamental water do get lower and the stream through the Dell can stop flowing for a while.

Water levels and wildlife

Staff and volunteers monitor the wildlife of the lakes. However, if you have any concern please contact the Epping Forest Team.

If you see animals in distress, you can find out what to do on the RSPCA's website.