Walking trail: Ribbon beds
Our ribbon beds have been filled with a variety of South African plants which include cape bulbs, herbaceous perennials and succulents. Some notable species from the scheme are burkheya purpurea, a spiky member of the daisy family with tall purple flowers; Devil’s Blush (leucodendron), a small ornamental bottle brush; and ‘Sparkling Burgundy’ Pineapple Lily (eucomis), a cultivated cape bulb which has a large flower head resembling a pineapple.
The small circular beds have been centred with variegated agave, and the large border at the rear has been heavily planted with mixed Red Hot Poker (kniphofia) and Crocosmia (monbretia). The theme of the design was inspired by the famous plant collector Dr John Fothergill who lived in the park when it was an estate, from 1762 until 1780, and collected plants from all over the world.