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Date updated: 5/09/2023
Filming in the City (or Square Mile) is subject to administration charges payable to the City of London Corporation.

For shoots in the public highway

All productions applying to film in the City are subject to an application fee, in return for which they will receive a Notice of Non-Objection. This fee will only be applied once an application has been looked at and deemed suitable to go ahead and you will be provided with a link to pay online.

Payment is required prior to filming and all charges are subject to VAT being added. Additional administration charges will be charged to large scale productions or productions that take up a lot of time, this will be discussed individually with applicants.

Application fees: crew size

Fee (plus VAT) Crew size
£30 Charity, Students (at discretion)
£75 Handheld camera – up to 5 people
£150 Small crew - up to 10 people, camera and tripod only
£200 Medium Crew: 11 – 20 people
£275 Large crew: 20-50 people
£350 Very large crew: 51+ people


Administration fees

Fee (plus VAT) Administration area
£150 per hour Incurred once administration runs over one hour (the first hour is covered by the application fee)
£250 up to 2 hours One-off administration fees for commercial filming on non-strategic route City
£450 up to 4 hours Bridges (strategic routes are managed by Transport for London)

Site meeting

Fee (plus VAT) Location
£150 per hour Location Site Meetings
£200 per hour Guildhall booked room meetings

Location fees for private property (plus VAT)

Variable: This will remain dependent upon the location, scale, type and requirements of each shoot. Each application would be negotiated individually, based on these factors and the fee agreed in liaison with the City Corporation department responsible for the location and agreed in advance of filming with the production company


Refunds for administration charges paid will only be applicable if filming is cancelled due to the fault of the City Corporation or its contractors.

Parking dispensations and bay suspensions​

The City Corporation requires five working days to process small parking requests and 10 working days for larger ones. Parking costs must be paid in full before dispensations can be issued and bay suspensions activated.

Scaffolding, fencing and hoarding licences

Fee Duration
£500 Up to 7 days (per street)
£600 Up to 1 (one) month (per street)
£600 Each month thereafter (per street)

These must be paid in full before the licence is issued, subject to City approval at an on-site meeting.

Road closures

Fee Type
£3,500 Bus Route
£3,000 Non-bus route

The closure of any road requires 12 weeks notice.

Contact the Film Team

Joanna Burnaby-Atkins: 020 7332 3202
Mick Bagnall: 020 7332 3182
Email the Film Team

Apply for a permit

City of London Filmapp