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Date updated: 3/09/2024

The Property Search Team provides a service to purchasers and lessees of commercial and residential property in the City of London through the CON29 process.

Contact us

Property Search Team
Environment Department
PO Box 270


020 7332 1710
Property Search Team

Local land charges

Local Land Charges (LLC1) searches are provided by the HM Land Registry. You can access the digital service via your portal account and at HM Land Registry.

You can use a search provider which will access the HM Land Registry Local Land Charges service for you. For more information go to the HM Land Registry programme.

Property Search Fees
Type Fee £
CON29 146.52 (122.10+VAT)
CON290 7.92 a question (6.60 +VAT)
Each parcel of land added to a
39.60 a question (33 +VAT)
Each question added by a solicitor to a
39.60 (33+VAT) 

Our service

To ensure we can provide an efficient service, we start a search soon as reasonably practicable. We normally aim to reply to CON29 enquiries within ten working days of accepting the application. We will endeavour to keep you informed of any delay and do our best to respond in a timely fashion.

Please note that the stated response time only applies if the application is complete with the correct address, fee and plan if requested.

Cancellation policy

To avoid you incurring unnecessary costs, please ensure you still need your search when you submit it as once we have accepted your application it will not be cancelled and we will collect the full fee. Further searches may be delayed due to non-payment of any fees.

Public access status

The City of London Public Access Map shows the extent of the public access within the local authority boundary of the City of London. For some streets, located on the boundary of the City of London, part of the street will be located within the City of London and part of the street within the relevant neighbouring local authority. These local authorities include the City of Westminster, London Borough of Camden, London Borough of Islington, London Borough of Hackney and the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. 

Enquiries relating to streets on the boundary of the City of London should be made to the City of London Corporation and the relevant neighbouring London borough.

The map is provided in the belief that it represents the information currently available to the City Corporation but on the basis that neither the City Corporation nor any council officer is legally responsible unless acting negligently.

The Public Access Map information is available through the City of London interactive map

The downloadable City of London Public Access Map Definitions PDF is a guide to the different classifications shown in the interactive map.

City of London Public Access Map Definitions PDF (120KB)
Date submitted: 6/07/20